
Kurzbibliographie zu dem Thema "Gesellschaftskritische Ansätze in John Wain's "Hurry on down", John Braine's "Room at the top" und Alan Sillitoe's "Saturday night and Sunday morning"

Kurzbibliographie zu dem Thema "Gesellschaftskritische Ansätze in John Wain's "Hurry on down", John Braine's "Room at the top" und Alan Sillitoe's "Saturday night and Sunday morning".

John Wain, Hurry on Down, 1953, Born in Captivity (am. Titel)
John Braine, Room at the Top, 1957
Alan Sillitoe, Saturday night and Sunday morning, 1958

1. Bibliographien
Drescher, Horst. The contemporary English Novel. Frankfurt, 1973

2. Monographien
Allen, Walter. The novel today. London,1955

Allen, Walter. Tradition and dream: the English and American novel from the Twenties to our time. London, 1964

Allsop, Kenneth. The angry decade. A survey of the cultural revolt of the nineteen-fifties. London, 1958

Becker, George J.. Documents of modern literary realism. Princeton, 1963

Broich, Ulrich. Gattungen des modernen englischen Romans. Wiesbaden, 1975 (Wain S 158 f).

Burgess, Anthony. The novel now. London, 1971
(Wain S. 147, Sillitoe S. 149f)

Drescher, Horst. (Hg.) Englische Literatur der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Stuttgart, 1970

Fraser, G.S.. The modern writer and his world. Harmondsworth, 1964 (Wain 175-177, 179, 320, 323, 346-349, 402,405)

Fricker, Robert. Der moderne englische Roman. 2. neubearb. und erweiterte Auflage, Göttingen, 1966
(Wain S. 217ff)

Karl, Frederick R.. A reader’s guide to the contemporary english novel. London, 1964
(Braine: S 22, 228, 229—231, Wain S. 224, 232, 260, Sillitoe S. 283)

Gindin, James. Postwar British Fiction. New accents and attitudes. London, 1962 (Sillitoe S. 14-33 5 Wain S. 128-144)

Leguis, Emile und Louis Cazannan. History of english literature. London, 1964

Lockwood, Bernhard. Four Contemporary British Working Class Novelists:  A thematic and critical approach to the fiction of Raymond Williams, John Braine, David Storey and Alan Sillitoe. Unpub. Doct. Diss. University of Wisconsin, 1966

Mertner, Edgar. Der Roman der jungen Generation in England. Tübingen, 1959 (Braine S. 100- 123)

O'Connor, William Van. The new university wits and the end of modernism. Carbondale, Edwardsville, 1963

Richardson, Kenneth (Hg.) Twentieth century writing. London, 1969

Rippier, Joseph S.. Some postwar english novelists, Frankfurt, 1965 (Braine S. 178-192)

Schleußner, Bruno. Der neopikareske Roman. Pikareske Elemente in der Struktur moderner englischer Romane 1950-1960. Bonn, 1969 (Braine S 146 - 153)

Schlüter, Kurt. Die Kunst des Erzählens in John Braine's Roman "Room at the top", Heidelberg, 1965



3. Beiträge: aus Sammelwerken, Zeitschriftenaufsätze
Alayrac, Claude. "Inside John Braine's outsider". Caliban (8) 1971, S 111 - 138 (Braine)

Atherton, Stanley S. "Alan Sillitoe's battleground" Dalhousie Review, 48 (1968), S 324-331

Cooper, William. "Reflection on some aspects of the experimental novel". International literary annual, 2. London 1959

Craig, David. "The British working-class novel today". ZAA, 11(1963) S 29- 44 (Sillitoe 36-41)

Harkness, Bruce. "The Lucky Crowd - Contemporary British Fiction". The english journal, XLVII, 7, Oct (1958), S 387ff

Hurrell, John D.. "Class and Conscience in John Braine and Kingsley Amis", Criticque, 2,1. (1958-59), S 39 - 53

Ivasheva, V.. "The struggle is not over yet". Inostrannaja Literatura, Nr 5 Mai (1959), S. 180-88 (Wain)

Kettle, A.. "Quest for new ways (Notes on Contemporary English Literature)". Inostrannaja Literatura Nr. 7, Juli (1961), 182-88 (Braine, Sillitoe)

Klotz, Günter. "Naturalistische Züge in Alan Sillitoes Roman  Saturday night and Sunday morning" ZAA, 10(1962), S 153-161

Kreuzer, Ingrid. "Die Schein-Geburt zum 'Neuen Menschen'. Desillusionierung der Freiheit: John Wain, Hurry on down (1953)", in: Entfremdung und Anpassung. Die Literatur der Angy Young Men im England der fünfziger Jahre. München, 1972, S 26-38

Nardella, Anna Ryan. "The existential dilemmas of Alan Sillitoe's working-class heroes". Studies in the novel 5, (1973),
H.4, S 469 – 482

O'Connor, William Van. "Two Types of Heroes in Post-War British Fiction". PMLA ,  LXXVII:1, March 1962, S 168 – 174

Osgerby, J.R.. "Alan Sillitoe's Saturday night and Sunday moring" Renaissance and modérn essays. Presented to Vivian de Sola Pinto. Eds. G.R. Hibbard, G.A. Panichas and A. Rodway. London,1966 S. 215 - 230   

Schlüter, Kurt. "Soziale Statussymbole und ihre kiinstlerische Verwendung in John Braine's Roman Room at the top". Die neueren Sprachen, 1964, S 194 — 208

Sissman, L.E. "The aftermath anger". New Yorker, 14. Nov 1970 S 205 — 267 (Wain)

Stanford, Derek. "Thoughts on contemporary literature". Contemporary Review, 191, (1957) S 254 - 246

Van der Veen, Adrian. "Boze Jongelieden in zich vernieuwend England". Vlaamse Gids XLIII:4, April (1959) S 232 — 236
Braine, Wain

Weimann, Robert. "Die Literatur der 'Angry Young Men'. Ein Beitrag zur Deutung englischer Gegenwartsliteratur"  Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 7, (1959) S. 117-189

4. Landeskunde (Monographien)
Sampson, Anthony, Anatomy of Britain Tocay (London 1965)

Brennan, T., Government & Politics in Britain (London 1972)

Fraser, Derek, The Evolution of the British Welfare State (London 1972.

Jager, Helmut, Großbritannien. (Darmstadt 1976)

Butterworth, Eric, Social Problems of Modern Britain (Londen 1972)

J.Ryder/H.Silver, Modern English Society: History & Structure 1850-1970 (Methuen 1970) ‘

Kelsall, R.K., Population (Longmans 1967)

E.Butterworth/D.Weir, The Sociolocy of Modern Britain (London 1970)

Glass, D.V. (ed.), Social Mobility in Britain (Routledge 1953)

Medlicott, W.N., Contemporary England (London 1967)

Bruce, M., The Coming Of The Welfare State (London 1961)

Thompson, E.P., The Making of the English Working Class (London 1963)

Ward, J.T., The Factory Movement (London 1962)

Pollard, S., The Development of British Econony (1962)

Gregg, Pauline, The Welfare State; An economic and social history of Great Britain from 1945 to the present day London [usw.]: Harrap (1967)

Myrdal, Gunnar, Beyond the Welfare State, Yale University Press. (1960)

Titmuss, Richard Morris, Commitment to Welfare London : Allen & Unwin, (1968)

Ward, J.T., The Factory System, 2 vol. (1970)

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